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Privacy Policy

Furniture Next Day's Privacy Notice 

Your privacy is respected, and we are committed to safeguarding your personal information. This privacy notice's goal is to let you know how we handle your personal information when you visit our website.  Additionally, we will discuss your privacy rights and the ways in which the data protection law

What does this privacy notice intend to accomplish? This privacy notice seeks to inform you of how we obtain and use any personal data you voluntarily  provide while using this website, such as when you subscribe to our newsletter, buy a product, or        participate in a competition. We do not deliberately gather information about children and this website is not designed for             children. To ensure that you completely understand how and why we are using your data, you must read this  privacy notice in conjunction with any other privacy notices we may publish on specific occasions     when we are collecting or processing personal data about you. The purpose of this privacy notice is not to replace any existing notices, but to be used in conjunction with them.

Who holds & Controls the data?

This website is under the control of and is maintained by Furniture Next Day , also referred to as "COMPANY," "we," "us," or "our" in this privacy notice. You can contact us on 028 9002 4499 or sales@furniturenextday.com.

This website is under the control of and is maintained by Furniture Next Day.

External Websites

Links to third-party websites, plug-ins, and programs may be found on this website. It's possible for third parties to gather or share information about you if you click on those links or     enable those connections.

These 3rdparty websites are not under our control, and their privacy policies are not our                       responsibility. We urge you to review each website's privacy statement.

Your Personal Data

Any information about a person that can be used to identify that person is considered personal data or personal information. The Information Commissioners Office is a good resource for more information about personal data.

We may gather, use, keep, and transfer the of personal information about you that we have compiled into the following categories:

  • Identity information including first and last names, usernames, marital status, titles, dates of birth,  and gender. 
  • Contact information includes billing and delivery addresses, e-mail and phone numbers.

For instance, we may combine your Usage Data to determine the percentage of users who visit a particular website feature. However if we combine or link aggregated data with your personal information in a way that makes it possible to identify you directly or indirectly, we recognize the combined information as personal information and will use it in line with this privacy notice.

We do not gather any Special Categories of Personal Data about you, such as information about your racial or ethnic background, your sexual life, your sexual orientation, your political beliefs, your trade union membership, your health information, or your genetic and biometric information. Additionally, we don't gather any data on criminal offenses and convictions.

If you do not give personal information

In cases where we are required by law or by the terms of a contract we have with you to collect your personal data and you refuse to do so, we might not be able to carry out the terms of the contract we already have or are attempting to enter into with you (for instance, to provide you with goods or services). In this situation, we might need to cancel a product or service you have with us, but we'll let you know right away if that's the case.

How we Collect your Personal Information We utilise a variety of techniques to get information from and about you, including

  • When you provide your identity, contact details and payment details by filling in an enquiry form, or making contact with us by post, phone or e-mail.
  • Apply for one of our products or services; 
  • Create an account on our website; 
  • Subscribe to one of our services or publications; 
  • Opt to receive marketing 

How your Personal Information is Used

We will only use your personal information if it is legal for us to do so. We will typically use your personal information in the following situations:

  • Execution of Contract: This refers to the processing of personal data when it is required to carry out a contract to which you are a party or to take action at your request prior to the execution of a contract.
  • Legitimate purpose: This refers to our company's interest in running and managing our operations so that we can provide you with the finest service/product and the safest experience possible. Before we use your personal data for our legitimate interests, we make sure we weigh all of the potential effects—both good and bad—on you and your rights. Unless we have your consent or are otherwise required or permitted by law, we do not use your personal data for activities where our interests are outweighed by the impact on you.
  • Comply with a legal or regulatory requirement: this refers to processing your personal information when it is required to do so in order to meet a legal or regulatory requirement to which we are subject.


Promotions & Offers

We may use data collected about you and your usage of our site to determine what products and offers may be of interest to you.  You will receive marketing material from us unless you have specified that you do not want to receive it.  You can unsubscribe from receiving this material at any time.

We will only forward your details to a 3rd party marketing company if you have given specific permission for us to do so.

If you opt out of receiving marketing material from us or a 3rd party, we will still hold your personal information provided to us.


You can configure your browser to inform you when a website uses cookies.  Please be aware that some sections of our website may become inaccessible or malfunction if you disable or reject cookies.

Change of Purpose

We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which it was acquired, unless we reasonably believe that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is consistent with the original purpose. Please email sales@furniturenextday.com if you would want an explanation of how the processing for the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose.

You will be informed and given the legal justification if we need to use your personal information for a purpose that is unrelated to the original purpose.

Please be aware that in cases where doing so is required or permitted by law, we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent while still adhering to the aforementioned guidelines.

Parties who we may share your Personal Information with

  • Employees of Furniture Next Day e.g. for the purposes of processing your query or order
  • External 3rd party companies e.g. for the purposes of delivery of your order
  • Providers – e.g. IT companies, advertising companies
  • Professional companies – e.g. auditors, insurers etc
  • UK Government Agencies – e.g. HMRC
  • Social Media Platforms

Third parties are only permitted to use personal information that we provide to them for the specified reason it was provided. 

We use Google Analytics to trace users access to and around our website.  We will monitor people who add to their basket but do not complete the transaction and we may follow up with them to find out why.  You can find out more information about how Google Analytics works on their information page.

We will never share your personal information outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)

Protection of your Data

We have put in place the necessary security measures to guard against the unintentional loss, alteration, disclosure, or use of your personal information. Additionally, we only allow employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties who have a business need to know access to your personal information. They have a confidentiality obligation and will only act in accordance with our instructions while processing your personal data.

When we are legally obligated to do so, we will notify you and any relevant regulator of a breach and will have procedures in place to deal with any suspected personal data breach.

Retention of Personal Data

For tax purposes, we are required by law to retain certain basic information about our customers (including Contact, Identity, Financial, and Transaction Data) for 6 years after they stop being our clients.

You may ask us to erase your data in certain situations; for more details, see the section below on your legal rights.

In rare cases, we may anonymise your personal information (making it impossible to link it back to you) for research or statistical reasons, in which case we may continue to use this data indefinitely without further informing you.

Your Legal Rights

You have the following rights with regard to your personal data, unless you are exempt from those rights under the data protection laws:

  • The right to request that we update and correct any of your personal data that is incorrect or have become out of date.
  • The right to ask us to delete your personal data where it is no longer a legal a requirement for us to keep it.
  • The right to withdraw your consent for us to process your personal information, where consent was required for the processing of your data.
  • The right to request a copy of your personal data and to transmit that data directly to another Data Controller (data portability) where applicable. e where our processing is based on the consent or is necessary for the performance of our contract with you or where we process your data by automated means.
  • Where there is a dispute about the accuracy of your personal information or about how it is being processed, you have the right to request that a restriction if placed on further processing.
  • The right to object to our processing of personal data, where applicable i.e. where processing is based on our legitimate interests (or in performance of a task in the public interest/exercise of official authority); direct marketing or processing for the purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics).

If you wish to enforce any of your rights listed above, please contact us on sales@furniturenextday.com

We will not usually charge you for access to your personal data.  Charges may be applied if we determine that your request is unreasonable or repetitive.  In extreme circumstances, we may refuse to process your request

Request in relation to your personal data will normally be processed within 14 working days. We will notify you if your request will take longer than this.

Security check for information

Before we can process any requests from you in relation to your personal data, we will need you to supply specific information to help us confirm your identity and ensure we do disclose your information to someone else.

Changes to this notice & Your Personal information

This version was created on 15.09.23.

If it your responsibility to inform us of any changes to your personal information that you supplied to us.  We will not be held responsible for holding out of date data if you have not informed us of any changes.

Our Contact details

If you have any queries about this policy, or any aspect of how we collect and handle your personal information please contact us on sales@furniturenextday.com or call 028 9002 4499.  If we fail to respond to you in a satisfactory manner, you can contact Information Commissioner Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.